Q&A With Olga Koroleva, Software Automation Architect @ iRobot

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Hi Olga! Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us! Firstly, please introduce yourself!

Hi, I am Olga Koroleva. I am a Software Automation Architect in the DevOps team at iRobot. I joined iRobot in 2019 and absolutely fell in love with the little Roombas that get smarter with every software release. I’m also a mentor and certified Scrum Master!

What are you looking forward to at Women in Tech Boston?

I am very excited and thrilled to be a speaker this year. I am honored to be able to share my knowledge and experience. I am also looking forward to learning something new myself.

What can attendees expect from your session?

I plan to talk about the role of Software Test Automation in product development – specifically what makes Automation Tools effective and complete. We will also have a fun group exercise pretending that we are participating in a project kick off meeting to discuss Automation needs for a new product.

When you think about our theme for 2023, The New Frontier, what excites you about the future in tech, business and/or leadership?

We are surrounded with technologies that are getting smarter and more sophisticated every day. Machines can learn, Smart Homes can control our entire houses, AI Chatbots can imitate human talk. Isn’t that exciting? We will never get bored in the world of tech. There is always something new to discover.

What would you say to your younger self about pursuing a career in tech and the future of women in tech?

Learn more human languages while you are young and have more free time. I know, it is not very tech related advice, but this is something I would say to my younger self.

What would be your one piece of advice to our attendees who might be feeling anxious about the insecurities of today?

The words of Winston Churchill come to mind: – “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Do not be afraid of mistakes, learn from them. This is how we get better.

Finally, Women in Tech Boston is built on community; what advice would you give to our attendees on building your network and furthering your presence?

Women in Tech Boston is a very friendly and welcoming community. If you are attending this event, pursue the possibilities it gives you. Ask, talk, enjoy!

Join Olga Koroleva for her workshop “Effective Software Test Automation by Design” (exclusive to Premium ticket holders only) at Women in Tech Boston on October 2 – 3. Register for your place now here!

About Summiah Mehmood

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